Thursday, November 8, 2007

I passed!

S: I'm so happy! I found out a couple of days ago that I passed the CA. jurisprudence exam.
My recruiter called to tell me. I checked online to confirm that she was right and my name now appears as having a valid CA. license.

O: My recruiter wants to know what jobs I want to apply for. I'm looking at San Jose, Salinas, and Monterey.

A: I'm so relieved that I passed. I studied really hard for the test. It is funny that the CA. exam was so hard and the MI exam is an open book exam!

P: I'm still in school (last semester for my DScPT), so I have to go study for my Advanced Differential Diagnosis exam that is tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for having this blog. I am a Speech path student, soon to be grad student and I am pretty sure I am going to do the travel thing for at least a year after school!

I am interested in knowing what it's all about!

mini said...

I am studying for the California Law Exam, and was looking around for practice tests and the like when I came across your blog. I know it's been a while since you took the exam, but would you be able to give me an idea about the questions asked on the exam? What I mean is, do I have to know whether a certain provision is stated by section 26677 or 2766, or are the question broadbased, referring more to content?

travel SOAP said...

I didn't realize people read my blog!
About the CA jursiprudence exam. I studied for it, but failed it the first time. It was very detailed, closed book, and computer based. I memorized EVERYTHING the second time and passed with flying colors.
Compare that to CT, where there is no jursiprudence exam and I got my license in 3 weeks!
Don't give up and you'll reach your goals.