Monday, June 25, 2007

First day

S: I started the travel job today. It went well except I was sent to the wrong address. I had the phone number of a person at the hospital and she told me where I should have been. I was glad I had that with me.

O: My tip for new travelers would be to try to confirm the address directly with the facility if possible. Also, today I had to repeat the TB test and drug screening. My other tip is to bring a binder full of the documents that had been sent to the travel company. I have with me all my medical records, diploma, licenses, certifications, and forms. I did need to refer to some of it today to answer questions.

A: My first day was spent being oriented, asking questions about procedures, getting all my questions answered, and going on tours. It seems like a good facility and nice people.

P: Tomorrow will be interesting.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ready to roll

S: I have been terribly busy getting ready for my assignment. I couldn't believe the amount of paperwork that was required, but I'm excited to say I'll be on assignment starting in one week.

O: Here is a link to where I'll be. I will be staying in one city and working in another. I will be on an 8 week assignment at an outpatient facility.

A: I'm glad I'm finally going to be traveling. I'm looking forward to starting next Monday.

P: I plan to write the next blog about what was required for me to do before I got this travel position.