Monday, September 3, 2007

Bye Bill (and "yous" guys)!

S: My assignment is over and I'm back home. It is good to be back home, but I miss the guys in Bay City. I made a lot of friends on my assignment. Bill was my boss and as I was leaving he said "I've been checking your blog!". I was determined to update it ASAP, so this one is for you Bill!

O: If you are a Physical Therapist and looking for a place to work in Michigan, you might find the place you've been looking for at Bay Regional Medical Center. I think of it as a "caring community of health care workers within a community of caring people". I was impressed with how much the workers cared about each other (and teased each other) and how much dignity the patients had in the face of their medical troubles.

A: One of the people I worked with loves romance novels like I do. I've been in a romance reading group for many years (maybe 8 years- nobody remembers when we started the group) and one of our members is a published author. It turns out I have an autographed copy of one of her books, so I'm going to send out a box of romance books with the autographed one to my former coworker.

P: Today I'm going to mail the box of books at Meijer. I want to do it before school starts tomorrow. Once I'm back in school, my life becomes crazy (school, study, eat, sleep). Bye!

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