Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Newsweek article on exercise building IQ

S: I've been trying to walk on the treadmill or outside for 30 minutes 4 times a week. Between working, traveling, school, and family obligations it is very difficult to find time to work out.

O: Newsweek has an article about new research showing aerobic exercise builds the brain. "Last week, in a landmark paper, researchers announced that they had coaxed the human brain into growing new nerve cells, a process that for decades had been thought impossible, simply by putting subjects on a three-month aerobic-workout regimen." Physical Therapists help people to be able to exercise to build their muscles and their brain too.

A: I'm always thrilled to see articles touting the benefits of aerobic exercise.

P: I going to buy the Newsweek article and take it to the university physical therapy department.

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